

0,00 SEK for your first month with Premium

Unlock more features and extended functionality for one month with Perific Premium. Then, 39,00 SEK/month.

Optimize further with Premium

Access Perific's complete system with Premium.

Perifics ekosystem.


Connect all of the home's electricity usage to a single system.

Save money with Perific.

Save money

Optimize the property's power usage automatically and save money.

More features

Access all of the Perific system and be the first to get new features.


Reduce Electricity Costs

Our new feature Virtuell Huvudsäkring™ (Virtual Main Fuse) helps you save on electricity costs by avoiding power tariffs and power peaks.

Currently available in Sweden only.

Learn more (swe)
Perific app.

Heat Pump Management

Manage the heat pump directly in the app – wherever you are. Schedule your heating or activate optiFlow for optimized heat pump usage tailored to your preferences.

For heat pump control, Premium and an installed Flow device are required.

Perific heat pump management.

More Charging for Your Car

No juice left for your EV? Free up power for charging right in our app by pausing the heat pump or scheduling active hours for times of the day when you usually don't charge your car, and vice versa.

For heat pump control, Premium and an installed Flow device are required.

Perific heat pump management.

For a greener power usage

Balancing power peaks has a positive impact on the environment.